Dans, In
The Universe in me
Love the universe in me
Love to love the universe in me
The universe loves in me
The universe loves to love in me
The universe is love
The universe is yourself
The universe is two same
The universe is of me and of the universe I am
The universe is of me and loves in me
The universe is to love and love to see
Seeing and loving is of the universe
The universe is to see a mirror
The universe is to love to see a mirror
The universe is to love to see a mirror and to love to see in the universe
The universe is to love to see me in the mirror
The universe is wandering in the mirror
The universe is to wander me and my mirror in the universe
The universe is seeing in me
The universe is to see my mirror, to see love my mirror
The universe is to see love myself seeing
The universe is to see loving even far from the universe
Even far from the universe of love
The universe is seeing even in the dark
The universe is to see even far from the universe
The universe is to see even me, memory of the universe
The universe is to see the memory of the universe
The universe is of me and memory of the universe
The universe is of me and I love the universe
The universe is of me and I love the universe in two
The universe is of me and I love two me in the universe
The universe is of me and I love two, me and the universe
The universe loves and I love in two
The universe loves and I of the universe love two
The universe is two and me the universe
The universe is two and me two universes
The universe is the reverse side and me in the obverse side
The universe is the obverse side and me of the reverse side
The universe is the obverse side of the reverse side
The universe is the reverse side of the obverse side
The universe is of the obverse side and of the obverse side of the reverse side
The universe is of the reverse side and of the reverse side of the obverse side
The universe is to see the reverse side
The universe is seeing the obverse side
The universe is to see the reverse side and the obverse side
The universe is to see from the reverse side upright
The universe is seeing from the obverse side
upside down
The universe is seeing neither the obverse side nor the reverse side
The universe is seeing neither the reverse side nor the obverse side
And to see in me Me in one Me of one
Of one and me Of me and one in me
Memory of the universe, love to love seeing in me
Memory of the universe, love in me
The universe and I love in me
The universe of the obverse side loves in me
The universe of the obverse side loves the universe
The universe of the obverse side loves the reverse side
The reverse side of me loves me
The reverse side of me loves the obverse side
The reverse side of the obverse side in me loves the universe
The universe is of me in two
The universe is of me in three
The universe is of me in the whole universe
The universe is of me and mirror of the universe
The universe is in me and loves in me
The universe is seeing a love in me
The universe is seeing a love in me from the universe
The universe of the universe is me
The universe is of the universe in me
The universe of the universe of the universe is me
The universe of the universe of me is me
The universe of the universe of the universe in me is of the universe
In Me the universe loves the universe
In me the universe in me loves by myself
The universe of myself is the universe
The universe of the universe loves me in the universe
The universe of love is the same as the universe in me
One's universe is the same as the universe in me
One of the universe is the same as one in me
The reverse side is of me and the obverse side is of me
The reverse side is in me and loves the obverse side in me
The obverse side is in me and loves in me
the reverse side
The reverse side is me from the reverse me
The reverse side is me from the obverse me
Me and I love the universe from the reverse side
The universe of the reverse me and me of the reverse side the universe
The universe is of me and loves me from the reverse side
The universe is of me and loves me from the obverse side
The universe is of me and of one towards me
The universe is of me and of one towards the obverse side
One is me and of one
One is of me and the universe of one
The universe of one and I love the universe of two
The universe of two and I love the universe of one
Love in me, goddess of the universe Memory of the universe, love in me
The universe of memory of the universe loves in me
The universe of memory of the universe loves
Memory of the universe, love and love to see in me
Love to see in me, of me, one
One is from me in me
One is me and I from one
One is from me and I from one from the obverse side
One is from me and I from one from the reverse side
The universe of one is me in the universe
The universe of one loves the universe in me
The universe of the universe in me loves from one
The universe of the universe loves in love from one
The universe of the universe loves in love from the universe
The universe of the universe loves in love from me
Universe two in me is one
Universe two in me is of one
Universe two in me is of the reverse side
Universe two in me is of the obverse side
The universe of one is of the obverse side
The universe of one is of the reverse side
The universe of memory
The universe of memory of the universe
The universe is memory of the universe
The universe of the universe, memory of the universe
The universe is of memory of the universe, memory of memory of the universe
The universe is of memory of memory of the universe
Memory of the universe united towards one
United towards two
United towards three
United towards everything
One of memory united towards everything
United towards love
Thursday 3 September, 2023